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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

so im doing laundry downstairs and it seemed like a good time to blog.

last weekend/this week have been slightly uneventful. we went to a club called o'neils on saturday. it was an £8 charge to get in and wasn't worth it. emily and laura left early which was probably the smart thing to do. sunday night i went with desi and alex to builders arms, which is the pub across the street from my building that i live in. it was really fun. we played scrabble :) haha. alex is apparently very competitive, which i found to be very hilarious. i watched about 3 hours of live hockey online and it made my sunday so fantastic :) i got to watch the devils play. they lost and marty was mad, but i enjoyed watching him nonetheless. so emily lives in new jersey and she said if i go visit her sometime she can get us devils tickets...what did i say to that? uh HECK YES!!!!!!!! :) emily your the best :) i dont think you even understand. to be able to watch marty brodeur live is the next best thing to watching patrick roy play live...which i cant do anymore since he is retired. so that would just be amazing. (p.s. emily you wanted to be mentioned in my blog, well there ya go ;) haha...luv ya!) oh man

so this weekend i'm going to paris. i was supposed to go in march, but mom is coming in march so i switched to the february weekend. im so excited!!!! i have wanted to go to paris all my life and now its finally happening!!! i've been trying to spend as little money as possible this week so that i can spend more in paris haha. speaking of, i found real peanut butter!!!!! there is a small grocery store nearby that imports all of their stuff from america, so they had skippy peanut butter!!!! omg i was so overjoyed. it was amazing. i bought a HUGE economy size one for £8. expensive, but so worth it. probably the only grocery item i'll have to buy my entire time here. i can just steal bread from the dining hall :) haha. its still not quite the same as skippy @ home, but its close enough for me.

i got to talk to laura, my parents, and brittany on skype :) this made me SO happy. and i get to talk to bailey today!!!! ah!!!! im so excited. i want to hear all about her europe adventures and i want to get the low-down on all the places i should see :) talking to laura made me sad for her cuz she really hates working nights and i dont blame her. i feel terrible cuz i feel like there is nothing i can do, but i've been praying and i asked God for a miracle, so we'll see. talking to my mom was stressful because it was after midnight and we were trying to plan day trips to ireland, paris, and venice and i was stressed out. sorry mom. its just a pain to try and plan everything when your tired. and i hate looking at the prices. i know mom says she'll pay for everything, but then i feel guilty cuz i know how much it costs and i know she doesnt have a ton of money either. both my parents are teachers for goodness sakes. oh boy. ok not thinking about it.

i talked about boys with brittany :) hehe. that made me happy. haha. oh man. i love her to pieces seriously. and girl, if you read this. dont worry. one day your going to come to england and enjoy all this stuff and im going to be green with envey of YOU. trust me. :)

ok i think this blog is long enough. im sorry it wasnt more insightful (carter). ;) but really when i think about it, i just want to live in the moment and think about it later. i dont want to be psychoanalyzing everything i do here cuz then im going to miss it. act now, think later. of course, that doesnt mean i'm going to be stupid and do dumb/dangerous things. that just means im going to live in the moment and love what im doing.


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