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Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Oxford House - that's where my internship is. i think it'll be good. i wasn't excited @ first because my roommate had interviewed there and didn't want it @ all...but she's a psychology major. this place is the epitome of social work. they're a settlement house that was started around the same time as tonby hall started by jane adams. they provide resources for people in the community and aim to promote diversity....can you say social work? haha. i know my advisor will be really happy about this one. its cool because they rent out parts of their building to other agencies and my supervisor said it might be a possibility for me to work with one of them...ex: downstairs is a agency that deals with mental health in adult. i would love to get involved there. also, there's a creative arts studio that has classes for youth in the community. i told him about my experience @ camp and just my skills in general and he said there's also a possibility that i could facilitate classes with the youth. all-in-al i think its going to be good. its about a 45 min tube ride there and after my interview i bought a newspaper and read it on the tube and i felt like a true londoner....i was reading the paper, sittin on the tube, earbuds in... :) it was fantastic. i can't wait for my internship to start. then i will feel like a true london lady ;) haha

last night was so much fun. i went out with a couple girls on my floor that i haven't gone out with yet and i had blast. they are so much fun. for real...probably one of the funnest nights i have had yet. we went to the local pub and hung out with some of their local british friends and it was such a good night. wednesday nights at imperial (the pub we went to) are a great night because there's always a big football game on and its jam packed and just lots of fun. i've made every other wednesday night @ imperial my tradition :) haha...its great.

so this weekend a bunch of my friends are going to amsterdam. i really have no desire to go, so i'm staying in london. i wanna go see the V&A museum, the tate museum, and some other free stuff. i really need to stop spending money. some girls on my floor wanna go to a club this weekend, but i'm just not sure...their expensive and sometimes dodgy. we'll see. i do have homework actually. i have to finish that magazine article for my british culture class. maybe i'll do that this weekend. ha...we'll see.


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