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Monday, February 8, 2010

so much to blog about. this last weekend i went to paris. i enjoyed it. i like paris, but i don't love it. alex is laughing at me right now because he thinks the idea of a blog is dull and pointless. haha. i find him funny....mostly because of his accent though. probably doesnt help that he's reading this as i type it.

ok anyways. so paris is overrated, but it was till fun. i saw notre dame, the louvre, the eiffel tower, the bastille, and paris @ night. the louvre was by far my favorite part. i'm not really a museum type of person, but the louvre was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. wow. i would go back there any day. we went to a market by the bastille and it was super fun. all the stands were unique and everything was one of a kind. i got my sister something there....probably shouldn't say what it is on the off chance that she reads this ;) haha. i also got ted and myself something...and brittany and bailey. just small things, but good momentos from paris. at least thats what i think :) ... i was thinking today and i want to get something for aubrey and elise. i might get them something when i go back to paris with my mom, or i might find something for them in london. either way, i want to get them something from europe.

im @ imperial library right now with alex and desi. i'm supposed to be working on a magazine article that's due next week for my contemporary british culture class. i guess i made some progress. i knew i wanted to write about UK education, but that's such a broad subject. i narrowed it down to city academies, an idea suggested by alex. they're schools that were started after the education act of 2000. i won't bore you with all of that stuff, but basicly it seems like an intersting topic to do my article on.

i bought conditioner and nail polish today...2 very american things that i feel is a waste to spend money on. i think im going to go back to portabello market this weekend. i dont want to spend more than £20 though. i've been going over and over my finances in my head for the past few days and i have to try really hard to spend under my budget. i think i can do it.

i emailed laura cuz there was kind of some drama before i left for paris and she made me feel better. granted i didnt get her email till i got home from paris, but it was just good to hear from her. everyone be praying for her cuz she applied for a new position and i really want her to get it. God, its miracle time.

go onto my facebook and check out my gorgeous pictures from paris. o my goodness i almost forgot! they have amazing crepes :) and we found this hole-in-the-wall cafe that was so cute and not tourist-discovered. it was amazing. i had french onion soup and i couldnt get over how good it was.

tomorrow i have to give a presentation on myself. i should probably finish that. i got an email from my internship advisor about my placement. she wants to put me somewhere called the oxford house, but i really dont want to do that. i want to be somewhere like an adoption agency. the oxford house is basically a charity, so i would pretty much be doing fundraising, which is not what i want. ugh...this whole internship thing is not turning out how i had hoped. i'm sure it'll all work out in the end, but i have 4 more days to be placed, and i dont even have an interview yet. very frustrating.


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