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Sunday, February 14, 2010

today is valentines day. not like that means much to me. haha. im going to check out westminster chapel today. lindsey clay told me about it and i like what i've seen online, so im going to the 4:00 service (which is in like 2 and a half hours...) should be good. my roommate is gone this weekend in amsterdam. so are emily and desi. i was going to hang out /w alex today, but i havent heard from him, so probs not. my mom send me a e-card for valentines day...thanks muzza ;) ... cuz apparently its too expensive to send stuff in the mail. i did a little bit of homework this weekend. got started on my magazine article. maybe i'll finish that tonight. went to a new place called the elk with some friends on friday. that was fun. i met some professional rugby players, which is kinda would be like meeting pro football or basketball players in and football (soccer) are the most popular sport in europe, so it was kinda exotic to meet some of the pros. very cool :) haha...i need to clean my room. and i need to exchange the shoes i bought @ primark. i miss bailey and brittany a lot. my nose still hurts...still a lil infected and i forgot to steal some salt from the dining center. there's this one lady that works in the cafeteria and idk why, but she loves me and my roommate. i told her i was gonna be lonely this weekend cuz my roommate was gone and she told me to come by on sunday and she would give me a free lunch, haha. it was so sweet. i totally took her up on that offer. she was really happy to hear that i was going to go to church on valentines day, haha. she's so sweet. i wanna shop more, but i just cant. im always in the mood to shop, but my budget just wont allow it. we'll see how this week goes. maybe i'll skip a couple meals so i can buy some new jeans. haha. this week will be the 1st week of my internship @ the oxford house. pretty exciting. start of a lot of new things. i had a month to get used to life here, and now its changing. not too much, but just enough to make me anxious to get started. i was getting in a rut, and now its time to feel productive. working will make me think about shopping less...and maybe less about the ppl i miss. i think about ted and kelsey's wedding a lot. i wish i could be there for more of the planning. ted's so is kelsey. im so lucky. my family is amazing and i have awesome friends. i need to be thankful and celebrate my life more often. i was looking @ pix on facebook of a long time ago right after my accident. my face does look A LOT better. i want to do the plastic surgery. i hope they say im a candidate for it. only God knows @ this point. prayer is the only thing i got right now...but it is a very powerful weapon...i need to try and utilize it more often. i underestimate the power of prayer a lot...gotta stop doing that. life is different every day. i want to feel loved and wanted. i want to forget some things. i need to make myself do things sometimes. i take things for granted too often. like my mother. i gotta stop doing that. my biggest love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation...hard to do when your halfway across the world from the people you love the most. being here i think quality time is a big one too...heck i love all the love languages. haha. i just love being/feeling loved! time to stop and get something done. i need to change before church and maybe write some more for my paper.





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