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Thursday, February 18, 2010

so today is my 4th day at oxford house. if only they knew i was blogging right now, haha. its pretty chill here, so i think its ok. plus im on reception for the morning, so not much to do except answer phones. things are going well. me and cameron are working on reestablishing ties with oxford university, and the research is actually fairly interesting. im going to talk to john (my supervisor) about working with some of the tenants (like kids and mental health) ... maybe i'll do that next week. cameron is a fellow intern with me. he gets on my nerves sometimes. his major is psychology so idk why he's @ oxford house. plus he's super insensitive. yesterday we were going home and we had to walk the subway (walkway underground) and he was making remarks about how the homeless people were smelly and making him uncomfortable. ok....1st of all, i am a social work major. empathy and diversity are huge for me...and here he is talking about these people as if they're sewer rats. o i wanted to slap him. i was talking with my friend amanda last night about how im super sensative (u know how that is brit ;) haha) and she was saying she was too! finally someone here who actually understands that words are powerful and you cant just say things to people without thinking. ooo it was good.

so i emailed my advisor on monday to tell her i had started my placement and where it was and she emailed me back and so did another social work professor and they were like upset that they hadnt heard from me yet! um, excuse me but you are the professors and you never contacted me! i hadnt heard from them the entire time i was here. im in a frickin different country. i was starting a new life, and they expect me to be thinking about THEM??? oooo i was upset to say the least. i emailed them back with all the info they needed and was very short and did not give them any extra information. being in london has made me realize how little the social work department does to help you. isnt social work all about helping people? well my advisors and teachers here arent even in social work and they've been more helpful then my ones back home. ugh....not looking forward to going back that @ all @ this point in time. so frustrating. i guess in a way they have to be more helpful here because the students are foreign and all that jazz, but you would think my advisors back home would understand that as well. i've never gone through the social work program @ bethel before even though they've gone through it however many years they've been there. and i've never studied abroad before. how the heck am i supposed to know what the heck is going on. gah...ok....done thinking about them. whatever.

tonight i'm going to legally blonde and im so excited!!!!!!

oh and i miss brittany...and my sister...and bailey


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