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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

who knew a gym could be so pretty :) haha going to the gym was ridiculous. its a really nice facility, but we got lost on our way home. it took us close to 2 hours, when it should have taken us less than half an hour. me and laura were both really annoyed....i am sick of getting lost. it was super pretty tho. we were in the richmond area, which is kind of like a suburb of london. super pretty. laura compared it to harry potter :) haha.

we just chilled last night and watched a movie. it was really good just to relax and not feel pressured to go out or anything. we borrowed a movie from some guys we know. its funny cuz its the guys i met in the airport from minnesota. i knew they had the movie we wanted to watch, cuz one of them was watching it on the plane, we went to their apartment and got the dvd, and they have THE nicest place. they have a brand new bathroom with marble floors, a full kitchen, and a great view!!! tons of room!!!! so jealous...i guess they had more study abroads than excpected, so they got put there as like overflow. apparently the regular students have to pay 2000 extra pounds to live there. i can see why; its so nice!!!! we made a deal with them that we'll cook for them if they let us use their kitchen to make food on the weekends when we dont have meals in the dining center :) haha. they were def ok with that! :) haha

after the movie we walked back to the room and i skyped /w mom and dad for a little bit. this morning i had a internship seminar. they basically told us a bunch of stuff i already know. i've done plenty of interviews in my life, so i feel prepared. my intern advisor told me she hopes to have my operation smile interview set up by next week. i kinda wanna get it over with so i can be sure that im placed there instead of making tons of "tentative plans" since i can't really plan anything concrete.

ok....i think thats all i got. oh, i was telling a friend that i learn so much from my british culture class!!! its legit interesting. i've learned about british TV, british travel, everything. our prof was saying how london isn't on a grid (like the streets and stuff) because it kinda just grew sporadically. it makes it difficult cuz everything looks the same and confusing, but its really pretty, so i'm ok with it. i like walking everywhere.

ok now i'm really done. for real.


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