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Saturday, January 23, 2010

hmmm....time for a blog! it's going to be hard trying to remember everything i've done since i blogged last. well, let's see. i've had more classes since then. i also had an interview with operation smile. me and another girl interviewed there. they could only take one of us because of space issues, and they took the other girl. they said her past experiences were more pertinent for the position. it's really weird. i've never actually been turned down for a position or anything. i dont say that to be snobbish, but i'm very driven, and i have a lot of professional experience and i usually get whatever it is i aim to get. hmm..i think this is a good learning experience for me. honestly, the real reason i wanted to be @ operation smile is because they compensate for travel and food. i think this is God's way of telling me that it wasn't the right place for me to be @ and He has a better agency in mind for me. i'm actually kinda excited to interview again...see where it is and if i like it....and if i get it! haha....

i really love it here in london. we've been taking the tube a lot this weekend, and the buses too, and i just sit and look @ the city and love being here. sometimes its hard. i miss my friends @ home and i miss my family. i'm very much a people person, and i want to be with everyone everywhere all @ the same time. obviously that's not realistic, but ya. missing people is normal, so i'm not super concerned about it, i just have to remember that just because i'm the one studying abroad does not mean that every else's life should revolve around my time here....haha sounds elementary, but an important thing to remember.

we've gone out a lot this weekend, and its been super fun, but its time for me to stop spending money. we went to the portabello market today and it was amazing!!! oh i wanna go back there so bad. i am DEFINITELY taking my mom there when she comes in march :) she will love it! :D ah i'm excited for her to come visit!!!!!!! i bought 3 pashmina scarves for 5 pounds....def a deal! :) i'm excited to wear them too. ugh, i'm so not looking forward to going through all the money i've spent this week. ugh!!!! i hate the money situation!!! i think thats part of why i've been stressed this weekend....i feel as if every pound i spend is literally a pain in my chest....that sounds ridiculous, but checking my bank statements online has been the most dreadful thing of this entire thing....ugh!!! ugh ugh ugh.....i wish i was rich and didn't have to worry about money. everyone in kensington is rich. ugh. maybe i should find a rich london boy who can support me. not. london boys just cause trouble, lol. that is 1 thing i have learned in the little time i've been here already lol

oh boy. ok...i'm not quite sure what else to blog about...maybe i'll think of something later. oh! we went to primark!!! its the store that bailey told me about and she was right!!!! everything is so cheap!!!! omg its amazing. i love love love it! that is where all my money is going to go. that and portabello market, haha. i need to get a purse. the little wristlet i have is good for going on to like pubs and stuff, but for shopping and everyday life, i need a real bag. and a wallet. a wallet. gosh i really need a wallet, ahha....maybe i'll find a cheap one @ primark....their purses look kinda cheap tho...hmm.. we'll see

ok, so here are a few pix of my dorm....building/street where i live....i hope this works


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