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Saturday, January 16, 2010

so the boat party last night was amazing!!! the view was SO gorgeous. we boarded the boat around 7:30, and it left the harbor (if that's what you call it) around 8. the city at night is so pretty. everything is lit up and it is seriously breath-taking. i took loads of pictures, but its hard to get the real effect from a picture. just trust me, its a sight that i will remember for a lifetime.
there was a dance floor, so me and the girls did some dancing :) it was fun... we sailed up and down the thames and were on the boat until a little past 11. after the boat party, my friend desi was meeting up with a friend, so i decided to go with her. mistake. it was already 11:45 and i was seriously out of energy. i was sooooo tired. i ended up just going back to the dorms and going to bed....4 and 1/2 hours on a boat taking pictures and dancing will do that to ya i guess. haha.
side note: this just came to mind because i was drinking diet coke on the boat. the diet coke here (well actually in london its called coke lite) is different than diet coke back home. apparently they don't have aspertame in the UK, so its a little sweeter. hmmm...idk. i really like it tho! i probably won't want to drink diet coke when i get back home, haha. that's the problem. i feel like after spending 4 months here, i'm going to grow to love everything about this city, and i won't want to go back to the old way of life. i feel like that a little bit already. for example, i love how we walk everywhere. yes, my feet kill and i have blisters and i complain a lot, but i really like it. @ home (and @ school) we drive everywhere. no one really walks....i guess sometimes for recreation, or if ur shopping, but not to get places. idk, maybe i just like it cuz everything is so pretty around here.
we went on a walking tour of the south banks today. saw the blackfriar bridge, and loads of other stuff. we also went and took a tour of the tower of london. omg, that place is huge!!! i thought of my dad while i was in there because there was all this armor and descriptions and tons of historical facts and i knew he would've enjoyed it :) haha...i can just see dad walking through with me and blabbing on and on about this and that haha....he would've loved it :)
a bunch of my friends are going on the jack the ripper tour tonight, but i'm just not up for it. i don't really have a desire to go. i know loads of friends (probably laura my sister haha) will tell me i should do it, but i just need some time. i've been go-go-go this whole week, and i just need a few hours to relax and get myself together. i haven't even had a chance to look at my class schedule for next week, i haven't talked to my mom except for email since i've been here, and i just wanted to stay in tonight. idk, maybe that makes me lame, but who cares. i have 16 more weeks to enjoy this place. one night in won't kill me.

:) <3


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