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Monday, March 15, 2010

oh boy. i haven't blogged in over 2 weeks. this is gonna be a hummdinger.

so basically i spent the first week of march getting ready for mom to get here. i finished the itinerary and spent time /w friends and went out. in order to prevent this blog from being massively long im gonna timeline it

picked up mom from the airport (freaked out she wasnt on her plane, but she was)
went to portabello market...bought black booties!! and other things
ate @ da maria (cute lil italian place where the owner/server is adorable and friendly)
back to my place, found cheap phantom of the opera tickets for saturday, skyped with dad, and went to bed early

left for dublin at 4 in the morning
almost missed our flight...we were literally running through the airport and skipped the ques. it was intense
got to dublin and took the bus into the city.
walked around, ate breakfast, cute coffee place called butlers
bus tour through southern ireland. GORGEOUS!!! sun was shining, everything was beautiful. went to the gardens and walked around...BEAUTIFUL!
shopping, shopping, shopping. band playing on the street - really cool
dinner at a nice place, food was delicious - broasted chicken.

up early again to fly back to london
mom flagged down a coach bus, haha. the look on her face was the best
back to london and landed in luton. no idea where that is...not actually in london. some podunk place an hour outside of london. £20 to get back to london.
took mom to oxford house. showed her around, ate lunch in the cafe.
sent her to primark while i finished the afternoon at work.
met her at primark after work and bought stuff.
went to giraffe for dinner. food @ giraffe is soooo good. loved it.

i went to work and mom went sight-seeing around london.
hyde park, natural history museum, westminster abbey, houses of parliament, etc.
met her at starbucks by st james's park and we went to a pizza place by my dorm.
went on the london eye!! omg it was so gorgeous. amazing. wow...breathtaking!
mommy bought me a teddy bear from the london eye :D :D :D :D i love him. i love her.
went to the pub (builders arms by my dorm) and got dessert

took the eurostar to paris. slept most of the way. we're pretty tired by this point in the week. planned out our time in paris.
got to paris and went to bastille. market was closed cuz it was a weekday, but we got crepes. they were delicious.
went to the louvre and the arc de triumph. walked to notre dame.
shopping along the way of course
went to the eiffel tower. more shopping.
bus to the airport. fly to venice. arrive in venice. it was snowing and wet and cold and miserable. took a boat to san marco and some italian guy who didnt speak english walked with us to our hostel cuz we couldnt find it ourselves. went to dinner at the cutest lil cafe ever. ricotta was amazing. i was starting to feel sick so i got some tea. went to bed. shared a room with another girl named natalia from russia. red hair.

explored venice. lots and lots of shopping. exploring was amazing. that place is beautiful. exactly how it looks in the pictures. so amazing.
gondala ride!!!! so much fun. best thing ever. we were serenaded :)
ate some gelado. more exploring.
went into a few places that idk the names of.
bus back to airport, flight back to london.

i was feeling pretty crappy, so mom went to buckingham palace to see changing of the guard. turns out its tomorrow. get ready and go to tower of london. didnt go in today, but we walked across tower bridge and ate fish & chips at the tower.
went to evensong at st pauls cathedral. wow. really cool. wish dad could've been there. he would've loved it.
took the tube to harrods. like a museum for shopping. cheapest thing in harrods is a keychain for £75. thats like $115 american. wow.
took a cabbie to piccadilly circus. mom's 1st cabby ride :) so fun
tourist shops and sight seeing in piccadilly
ate dinner at THE cutest japenese place. the food was on a moving belt and in colored bowls. loved it!! so great

went to changing of the guard. so many ppl. too crowded for me
went to camden market. so cool! love that place. got some wellies!!! :) :) and a sweet feather headband and so much cool stuff. mom bargained with one of the vendors and got a £45 coat for £30. :) its very cute. bought brittany and aubrey and hannah something. :) excited to give it to them.
went to tower of london. got a tour by the Yeomen. really fun.
phantom of the opera tonight. soooo good!!!!! we were so close i could see the performers faces w/o binoculars. we were on the left edge but it was so amazing. oooo i loved it. so good. so so so happy.
went for drinks. mom doesnt like alcohol, lol. she drank about 3 sips of her cosmopolitian. hehe. my 1st dry martini. no olives. i was dissapointed.
skyped with laura and dad.

wanted to take mom to buttercup but it was closed. went to cute lil french cafe instead. delicious. mothers day in london. i should've gotten her a card. ... maybe i'll mail her one.
to the airport and mom flies out. walked around oxford circus on my way back to kensington. spent the rest of the day doing homework and catching up on stuff i've fallen behind on while mom was here. cleaned my room.


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