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Saturday, March 20, 2010

life in london is not perfect. def been a lesson learned this weekend. (should've waited a day to read the blog britt ;) haha just kidding) ... there are still awkward moments, friendships are hard, and sometimes life here is lonely. but this place is so beautiful and i can't help but love it. went to stonehenge and bath today. stonehenge, well its a bunch of rocks, haha. its really cool, just not the most thrilling thing i've ever seen. i'm glad i saw it thought. then we went to bath. wow that city is gorgeous. it's where jane austen lived. saw the bath's and learned a lot about roman culture. i always learn so much when i go places here. going back to the states is going to seem historical background to every step i take. weird. i got the fur hat that i've been wanting for forever! wore it today...and wore my wellies :) ... def gonna miss london fashion. also, another downside to this fairy-tale life is reality: money. went through my finances again (i've been avoiding doing it since my mom left) and idk what i'm going to do. i always think im going to have enough, but then the exchange rate changes, or prices on things change, or i have to pay for more than i thought. idk. def one the constant dampers on living here....stupid money. i was going to go out with friends tonight, but i think im gonna just stay in. i went out with some other friends last night. my bank statement is telling me i should stay in tonight. oh yea, i got my jacket stolen when we went out last night. i never check my leather jacket that i got from primark cuz the thing was 8 pounds...if i checked it everywhere i went it would buy me 3 more jackets, haha. well, at o'neills i put it on the back of some chair in a corner and when we went to leave it was gone. i told the bouncer (my friend chris, haha) and he said to call and they might have it if someone turned it in. not likely...but w/ was an 8 pound jacket...nbd.


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