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Sunday, October 16, 2011

The colors of our world change as a reflection of our hearts
An evolving process that brings tears for some
And laughter for others.
Let us never forget to say thank you
To the crimson figures of our past.
And breathe deeply as we welcome the
Golden dancers belonging in our future.
There may be a face or two
That carries with it
that familiar feeling of comfort
But with a new song to sing.
Not a strange one
Just different.

How often we speak with sharpened tongues
Against what we cannot control.
Our beastly desires infringe upon the mind
Leaving the heart behind.
To be consumed by our loving nature
Could only be so liberating.
Oh, if only we knew!
In the hands of the master
Our hearts were designed with endless shades of vibrant,
breath-taking hues.
With no assignments given
The transformations persist
With the changing of this earth.


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