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Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's a sea of faces,
a smattering of names.
Some matched to another,
for others it seems unimportant.
How to judge the effort
needed for such a daunting task.
What really matters
is not for me to decide.
The end of the ocean
is the beginning of life.

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's the simple Joys in life,
that make one's heart soar.
There are times when it may
take the moving of mountains
to raise her spirits;
but today, it is as simple as
flashing a quick smile.
Joy - only 3 letters in length.
Short and sweet,
we just need to be willing.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We bring it back down
to a level that we can all reach.
Waiting eagerly for the feeling
to wash over our entire bodies.
Did it really mean that little?
Or did it really mean the world.
Who's to say.
Watching out of the corner of an eye.
The movement was so swift,
barely a blip on the radar.
We begin to move forward,
because we don't have the option
to move backward.
Maybe that's for the best.
Who's to say.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

i had too many little mementos to fit in my scrapbook, so i made a poster out of them.